"Meine Familie ist die Feuerwehr", AGGN fellow Kolade Igbasan in an Interview with the Nordbayrische Kurier, a German local newspaper, 06/2016
"Erick Tambo: ‘Digital education makes an important contribution to sustainable development’" , AGGN fellow portrayed at the "Alumniportal Deutschland" platform
Interview with AGGN fellow Ephrem Tadesse about his work at Swiss Development Agency by World Bank's Global Partnership on Social Accountability, 12/2015
"Mit Geduld und Gleichgesinnten für Good Governance", DAAD Aktuell, 7/2015
"AGGN Fellows Protest Africa's Negative Image In The International Media", African Heritage Magazine, 6/2014
"Citizens are Stakeholders in Governance", AfricaNews Interview with former AGGN president Dr. Joy Alemazung, 1/2012
"Unis als Entwicklungshelfer", Spiegel Online 06/2011
"Das African Good Governance Network zu Besuch bei CIM", 9/2010
"A record 196 information visits to the Commission organised in March!", about the AGGN visiting the European Commission, Commission en direct, 4/2009