You can download the call as a pdf-file here.
The Departments of Sociology and Development Studies at St. Augustine University of Tanzania are pleased to announce the call-for-papers for the Journal of Sociology and Development, Volume II. We welcome original manuscripts in the disciplines of sociology and development studies for the second volume expected to be published in December 2017. Please read below to find information about manuscript requirements and modes of submission.
About the journal
The Journal of Sociology and Development is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes scholarly original empirical research, theoretical contributions, and book reviews in the fields of sociology and development studies with a multidisciplinary and global perspective with a focus on the African continent.
The vision of the journal is to stimulate scientific communication towards the understanding of the continent departing from a plurality of perspectives. With most social sciences journals being produced and published outside Africa, JSD is envisaged as a forum for the growing number of academics working within the social sciences disciplines in Africa. International contributions are welcome and crucial in achieving the JSD vision. JSD welcomes contributions in all branches of sociology as well as contributions in the field of development studies that take a marked socio-economic, political and cultural perspective on questions related to societal development and policy, governance, resource management and similar topics.
Manuscripts requirements and author guidelines
Manuscripts must be original (not published elsewhere) and must not be in consideration for publication in other journals. Drafts should be sent as a Microsoft Word file directly to the editor to the email address mentioned below. Manuscripts need to be A-4 typed, 12 font size, Times New Roman, double spaced with 1 inch margin at both sides, top and bottom. An abstract of around 200 words needs to follow the title of the manuscript as well as five keywords. Sections should include: introduction, literature review, research question and objectives, data and methods, findings and discussion, conclusions, references and appendices/annexes if needed. Subheadings within sections may be used for clarity; other outlines are within the realm of possibility as well, for example in case of theoretical submissions. Acknowledgments may be included before references with funding details, where applicable. Authors need to follow the 6th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style. Article length should be about 9,000 words excluding references and appendices/annexes but including footnotes and textboxes. Tables and figures need to have captions and should be of an acceptable resolution; they need to be included within the text and numbered consecutively.
The journal uses double-blind reviewing. Manuscripts will be sent to two anonymous reviewers who will return their comments to the editors. In order to enable the double-blind peer-review process, authors need to make their manuscripts anonymous. Some tips to do that are: (a) not add headers and footers with authors’ names, (b) refer to authors’ own work in the third person, (c) avoid or minimise self-citation, (d) remove any other identifier. Authors will be able to reinsert identifiers after the manuscript has been accepted, if they wish to do so.
After submission
Reviewers will be asked to return their comments within two months from the date in which they received the manuscript. A final decision will be taken within three months from the date of first submission. Once reviewers have returned comments, the possible outcomes are: (a) accept without revisions, (b) minor revisions, (c) major revisions, or (d) rejection. For both ‘revisions’ outcomes (minor and major) authors will have a maximum of four weeks to carry out the revisions asked by the reviewer. In all cases, the final decision on the outcome of a manuscript will be the editor’s and it will be final.
Book reviews
Formatting guidelines (i.e. font type, size, margins, and line spacing) for book reviews are the same as those for other types of manuscripts. The maximum length for book reviews is one thousand words. Book reviews do not undergo external peer-reviewing but undergo editors’ assessment before publication.
Dr. George Mutalemwa, editor-in-chief, St. Augustine University of Tanzania
Dr. Antonio Allegretti, managing editor, St. Augustine University of Tanzania
Journal of Sociology and Development
St. Augustine University of Tanzania
P. O. Box 307
Email: jsd.editor [at]