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Authoritarian Rule

Junior workshop in Nürnberg & Bayreuth, June 9 - 14, 2014
In June 2014, AGGN members met for a 2-day workshop in Nürnberg and later on continued to the University town of Bayreuth to jointly participate at the annual conference of the "Vereinigung für Afrikawissenschaften in Deutschland" (VAD). In Nürnberg, participants discussed the role of political regimes, with a special focus on authoritarian rule, both in Africa and Germany. In Bayreuth, the VAD conference focused on the broad topic of "Future Africa", allowing a number of members to present their work. One group of AGGN fellows organized the conference panel "Competing Development Paradigms and the Future of Good Governance in Africa".


Excerpt of the program:

PD Dr. habil. Steffen Kailitz (Hannah-Arendt-Institut für Totalitarismusforschung Dresden): "Autocracies in comparative perspective"

Dr. Beatrice Schlee (Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut Freiburg):
"Apathy and Activism: The persistence of Authoritarian rule in Zimbabwe"

Dr. Jude Kagoro (AGGN members, Uni Bremen):
"Competitive Authoritarianism in Uganda: The Not so Hidden Hand of the Military"


  • Presentation of posters on country cases of autocratic political history | Nürnberg
  • Discussion on political regimes | Nürnberg
  • AGGN stand at the VAD Tagung | Bayreuth
  • Visiting the Reichsparteitagsgelände | Nürnberg