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Migration, Refugees & the Diaspora

Junior workshop in Frankfurt, June 1 - 5, 2016

A workshop on migration, refugees & the diaspora was held in Frankfurt in June 2016. Around 20 fellows met and discussed these topics, which directly link to their own histories as.

The topic of migration/diaspora has come to the forefront of the international debate on development in recent years. Migration is not only perceived in its problematic dimensions (brain drain, xenophobia etc.), but also regarding its developmental chances (e.g. circular migration).

The so-called "refugee crisis" in Europe has led to new public debates on migration to the EU from war-shaken countries like Syria and Afghanistan, but also from North- and Subsaharan Africa and Eastern Europe.

These different perspectives on the theme were discussed with different researchers and stakeholders. The workshop also included a skills training on change management and organisational development.


  • Presenting a poem on "The typical African leader"
  • Following an academic presentation
  • Visiting Frankfurt's "Paulskirche"