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Good Financial Governance/ Corruption

Junior workshop in Bonn, March 29 - April 3, 2016

Around twenty AGGN fellows met in Bonn at a junior workshop dedicated to the topic of good financial governance and corruption. The concept of good financial governance has become one of the major themes in the discourse of development cooperation agencies in Germany and has thus broadened the discourse on corruption, to also take into account issues such as the raising and administering of taxes, budget planning, external budget control etc.

The workshop took into consideration various dimensions of good financial governance, with a visit to the Bonn-based German federal audit court being one of the highlights. The program also included a skills training on project finance.

The thematic part was accompanied by an introductiory part for the newly selected fellows which have joined the network at the beginning of the year. They discussed the concept and dimensions of (good) governance as well as they became aquainted to the network and other fellows.


  • Getting to know each other
  • Group work
  • Visiting the German federal audit court